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    SYR 2013
    is presented by
    The International
    Association of
    Yoga Therapists



ProgramSYR 2013 PROGRAM BY DAY     Preconference—June 11 Tuesday       June 11 Tuesday      June 12 Wednesday       June 13 Thursday       



Symposium—June 13 Thursday

7:00-8:00 am        Morning Yoga/Meditation

7:00-9:00 am        Breakfast Buffet

9:00-9:30 am        Holger Cramer

9:30-10:00 am      Debbie Cohen

10:00-10:30 am    Helen Lavretsky

10:30-10:45 am    Business

10:45-11:00 am    Break

11:00-11:30 pm    Crystal Park

11:30-12:00 pm    Richard Brown and Patricia Gerbarg

12:00-12:30 pm    Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy

End of Conference